HGTV Living Abroad
“Paul knows how to sell real estate to Chinese, speaks Chinese well and can communicate his experience. A great teacher” -Victor Liu author of The Battle for Overseas (Chinese) Investment
Landed China (Published 2013) by Christopher Dillon is the authoritative guide to buying real property in China. I was a resource for detailed information about the buying and selling process. Me and my team also supplied a graphic chart and were credited in Chris’s book.
Fun piece, Interviewed about Chinese film director, Feng Xiao Gang’s career. International Channel Shanghai, better known as ICS, is the foreign-language cable channel of Shanghai Media Group SMG
EVENT Speaker on “Using Chinese Social Media for Business” Victoria, Canada
On Chinese TV show “Gourmet King” 美食大王牌 (meishidan) China’s top cooking program (All in Mandarin, Chinese)
Fox News Radio me talking about business in North Korea Distributed to Fox News Radio’s 800+ affiliates in the United States. We have approximately 25 million listeners Aired December 23, 2011 SICHUAN EARTHQUAKE 2008 I reported for Fox News for 4 days in a row, Translated for 60 Minutes Anchor Mike McRoberts at New Zealand’s award winning TV3’s coverage of the earthquake
Quoted in a Chinese Government News Site (non real estate)